Version 4.0. It was that time again where Miracle Temple’s website needed a facelift, which we try to do every 2 years or so just so we can keep the site up to date on the latest trends and styles.

We built the site on W3C-compliant HTML5 and CSS3 code while making it mobile-friendly/responsive. We decided to give it a more toned down feel in regards to coloring while still having eye-catching features to bring attention to where it was needed. We also aimed to introduce and point users to the world church more readily by including the Adventist News Network news feed on the homepage and by placing links to the approaching 2015 GC Session. Ready to lift the curtain? Click here!




Version 3.0 of the site was launched late last year hoping to re-envision the boldness of color in the original logo and add more social aspects to the overall design. We also hoped to provide more information directly on the homepage which also included a move of the livestream feed, MTNetworks.




Version 2.0. This is the site that started it all for us at Komposition. We began as Webmasters at Miracle Temple Seventh-day Adventist Church, our home church, and from this ministry a vision and a business was born.

We teamed up with Graphic-eye Designs and decided that it was time to revamp the church’s current website to give it a fresh new look and feel. Currently we are at version 3 of the site, but below you will see an image of version 2 which we also designed. This version 2 also won us recognition from the Columbia Union where we were named #2 of the top 5 websites in the Columbia Union which has approximately 700 churches. Check out the article here: Columbia Union Visitor – Page 14.miracletemplev2